Christmas is Coming…
Hello My Angel Voices,
I am writing today with the joy beating in my heart, I believe in practicing being joyful. It is a learned skill. The “Sun is warm” (even though the weather is cold and wet), “grass is green” is my kind of mantra for weeks like this one.
I believe it is the beginning of finding our true Christmas spirit by creating a joyfulness that is beating in your heart. Practising the art of happiness is as much of a skill that takes effort as singing is. It's also one of my most favourite feelings and I love how it lifts me high enough to see the beauty in this life. Let's face it, we get shown the ugly stuff far more often than is necessary and especially at this time, but I believe there is a reason for everything, and the reason for our United struggle will present itself at some point, it always does.
What I look for in a Christmas song?...
Joy! That is what I look for. I'm not even joking. I also loved the nativity story as a child growing up, I mean how can you not? A baby born as regal as the son of God, born in a stable and found by Shepherds and wise men (kings), it’s full of wonder and drama and mostly love, yes there are presents but ones that sustain a rich and fulfilling life, something we can all learn from at any time in life. This year I have found a song that is talking to my spirit called Mary Did You Know? As a mother myself, I listened to the lyrics of this song and found myself reflecting on it. I've heard it a few times in the past, right now though the lyrics are really beautiful to me. It might be to do with the fact that my children are grown up and it pulls at my heartstrings as a mother and reminds me of all the nativities that I was in when I was younger and all the nativities that my children did when they were little. There are hundreds of versions of this song, but the one that I'm sharing with you today is one that I find very enchanting. I feel when I listen to the song that it brings out feelings of unconditional love that I learned from my family.
Jordan Smith - Mary Did You Know - Full performance.
The Unconditional love of Christmas...
Christmas songs are all about unconditional love, love for family, love for friends, love of God or love of life, a time that we can share joy without guilt, why one should feel guilty about being joyous I'm yet to truly understand, my hope is that we can live our lives with joy, guilt free everyday and that Christmas will be a true celebration of that, which is how it is for me, it is also a great time to be thankful. Singing is a great way to express that gratitude.
The Joy of Christmas songs and singing…
Christmas songs also allow us to support and make ourselves aware of those who are less fortunate than us, that aren't experiencing those joyful moments, that don't have that family to love and be loved by, songs allow us to reach out to those we can't even see or speak to.
There's no greater song than "Feed The World", (which is incidentally is playing whilst I write this blog, quite apt). This song back in the 80s, allowed us to all take stock and support those who really needed it. It set a precedent, and now we have so many different types of Christmas charity songs. It is a joy. From firefighters singing to army men singing. It is quite astounding. Even I released a Christmas song to raise funds for our local mental health organisation last year called "Angel Of Christmas"... Yes, the Christmas spirit is here.
A Moment in Christmas Time...
My favourite above favourite moments of having Christmas songs and practicing them is listening to my Teenie Beanies, my 4 to 7 year olds learning to sing Santa got stuck up the chimney. Rudolph and my Pop Boppers learning "I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus" and my Teen Believers singing "Silent Night". They are delightful, and definitely pull you into the moment.
It may not be Christmas quite yet, but it definitely is starting to build its magical moments in my life.
In my head, I see all the white of the snow falling, and I feel that joyous moment, the smell of cinnamon. I love chocolate and Baileys this time of year (Who doesn't?!), as we get closer and closer to December the 25th and the nights draw in and we can take stock of what Christmas is all about when it comes to music, it is about lifting our souls and being thankful.
Sing out loud, you beautiful angels.
Ps We will be sharing our voices at St Mary's Church in Welshpool at our Christmas Concert on the 16th December 2021.