The Joy Of Blogs When It’s been a While…
It has been quite a few months since I last did a blog for the Angel Voice Singing School, and I apologise. So let me start…
Hello, Angel Voices!!
It is so lovely to be able to write you this blog after such a long time. So much has changed within these few months. It is really hard to tell you the strength of feeling I have about the joy that my singing school is bringing to those who I am working with and hopefully you too.
What have we been up to?
In December 2021, we, as a school, got to perform at one of our local churches in Welshpool, a stunning and beautiful building with so much spiritual history. The pandemic struck again with the Omicron and attempted to disrupt and although we should have had a full church we still managed to perform to a smaller crowd and it was so uplifting. Most importantly, we managed to bring a sense of Christmas and community to everyone who was able to make it. We did it safely and with integrity and with joy. Singing is all about bringing communities together and we definitely brought our community together for one night. Sometimes, I feel that singing is sold short, it is not valued the way that it should be, not like conventional work, and yet it’s value is beyond anything I have ever experienced. For example we were thrown into another dark moment and this little concert lifted everyone who could make it from our darkest feelings and fears into the light of joy and positivity. I definitely learned that evening that singing is my vocation. It is a gift that I want to share with everyone because I believe and know that everyone can sing. Your perception of how you sing is what I want to help you to change.
The news of our event spread far and wide and we got recognition from our local conservative MP congratulating us on being able to provide a wonderful Christmas event and I was really, really touched by that letter and the recognition that myself and my students all received for putting the event on, a special thanks goes out to everyone who came and all my students for being brave in the face of fear, you made such a difference and you always will.
What I know for certain is that Angel Voice Singing School created such a feeling of warmth and joy that it cannot be mistaken. All my students are so amazing at bringing people into the moment, and that's what they did at our Christmas concert back in December. Well done all of you!
I had a lovely Christmas and then I got COVID. Unfortunately it lasted for 7 weeks with so many different symptoms. It was a matter of focus and recovery, so if there is anyone who has waited for my blog to come out, I apologise for the delay… I can tell you that I am now back on track with so much joyous news it will be an eye opener… It is very exciting!
Exciting News begins here…
What I am really excited to share with you in this blog is that on the 7th of March, my 48th year celebration around the Sun and Yeah, A CELEBRATION! It's my celebration of SINGING and I say that with joy, to do it on my birthday though was amazing and special. Many were able to come to a relaunch of my website, with a new membership that means you can learn from home in your own time and with me and my school as a vocal guiding light.
I'm so excited about this that I cannot put it into words, but I'm going to try. When I wrote this business plan in 1999, I was not aware of the impact that the internet would have on music and on education and when I made this business my full time job back in 2014 one of the things I wanted to do is have a launch party. I was so overwhelmed to do this on my birthday. Two of my students Gwen Jones and Sally Green sang and gave amazing performances, Sarah Hepburn of “Sezza Creation” demonstrated how the membership would work and let me tell you it is exciting, because there are recordings of songs we can talk about, vocal exercises, body warm ups etc etc, the world is now my oyster in sharing with you all that I do and all for… wait for it … £4 a month… that is amazing don’t you think? I am so happy about this.
Making strides to a Grateful Life…
So thank you so much for reading my blog. Thank you so much for supporting this beautiful singing school and supporting. I just want to say thank you to SARAH HEPBURN, who is my website designer and my graphic designer. Without her I would not get this work done and without my administrative genius who is actually Superwoman, trust me! If she can get me to do the admin work that has to be done and she does, then she is truly superwoman. She is the one that gets everything out to you so that you can read all about it. I want to thank VICKI WILSON, too.
Thank you very much for reading my blog. I know it's been a long one, but it's been a few months.
Sending lots of blessings to you all and keep singing. And watch this space for upcoming events that all my students will be involved with over the year of 2022.
Cathy Beech.