Hello my lovely Angel Voices…
I've been thinking about where I started on my mission to become a singer, it took a while to remember as it was so long ago… there are so many principle moments that have nurtured me as a singer, but learning the power of the breath was life changing.
Let's talk about the power of the breath. Yes, in my opinion and experience, the very foundations of discovering your voice is the ability to be conscious of your breathing as a singer. We firstly need to establish that the whole body is a part of your vocal instrument, from your toes to your fingertips and outside of your body as well, but learning the ability to control your breathing for singing is a life changer for sure.
We know…
Breathing, is something we just do naturally and it's laughable to think that we are doing it "wrong". It's not that your breathing is wrong, it's just that we do it unconsciously. We don't think about it. We just breathe until someone mentions it to us and then we do become conscious for probably about 5 minutes. I bet you are now aware of how you are breathing.
Just take a moment...
As you are reading this, take a moment to monitor your breathing.
Are you taking small, shallow breaths? Is it going into your top lung or your lower lung or your stomach? Do you breathe in slowly? Are you breathing in through your mouth or are you breathing in through your nose?
Just take the time to feel your breath working naturally. It will give you an idea of how your body is taking in air. Does the breath energise you? It may sound a crazy question, but it's worth noting.
I spend a lot of time honing the art of breath control with all of my students helping them to become conscious of how they use their breathing as a singer. Each song requires direction, and breathing has to become a part of that direction.
My Way...
When I was first learning to sing, I took it for granted that I would just open my mouth and let the sound out, no problem! I was most definitely a loud unconscious singer. But performing in front of others would create an anxiety that I had never experienced before.
This anxiety over the years manifested itself into sore throats, a bad chest, sniffles a day before a performance. I had no techniques back then to help me through this, I had 3 different vocal coaches, they were all impressed with my ability to sing powerfully, but none of them taught me how to look after my voice or that I would need to, I had to learn that through my own personal education after I had lost my voice. I now know and feel that I have the right coping strategies for performing and for practicing.
Losing my voice though and discovering how to make it stronger and keep it protected has been the foundations of building my vocal coaching school, you see when I lost my stamina in my singing and about one and a half octaves in range, I discovered that the studying of breathing is a great aid in not just singing but developing the voice. Learning by rebuilding my voice did not just bring strengthening to my singing skills, but it helped me to overcome what I now know is called performance anxiety.
Where can you start to improve your breathing technique?
Remember, firstly, that all my exercises are designed for people who want to sing. So although I studied breathing techniques from yoga, mostly UJJAYI breathing technique. This technique is about breathing in through the nose, and as you breathe out of the mouth, you make a soft sound from the back of your throat.
Now, I don't do that in breathing for singing, but it is a great place to start to become conscious of your breath.
One of the best videos I learned this type of breathing from is about 30 years old, and it's called Yoga in the Desert with Eric Schiffman. It's a great place to start connecting your breath with your body, and I recommend that you watch the first ten minutes of that video.
It is on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qmW5Og4VBg8
Once you get past the introduction music (Although I love the music), he starts talking about breathing. It's about five minutes into the video, he starts talking about breathing, and it's really interesting and a great place to start.
My breathing exercise routine.
I do have a regular exercise routine everyday for singing, and the breathing exercises are a part of what I do every morning.
To the length of one song, I will start my day with singing in mind (because that's what makes me the happiest). I put on a feel good song with the steady 4/4 beat. I am lying down in my bed, hands on my belly.
As I breathe in, I push up my hands. Which means I'm filling my belly with air, and as I breathe out, I let my belly release the air. Just note that my hands go up with the breath in and then they go down with the breath out.
The routine is as follows….
To a song of your choice..
Breath in for four and then out for four, four times.
Then breath in for four, hold for four and breath out for four. Do that for four times.
Then breath in for four, hold for eight. Breath out for eight. And do this four times.
Then wiggle your fingers and wiggle toes and then I'll do a stretch and then repeat it.
However long the song is for, usually it's about three and a half to four minutes. I will repeat as many times as I need to, and it's a really great way to start my day.
I hope you enjoy that little technique and I hope you have a little go of it in the morning or before you go to sleep, as it's a great way to start becoming consciously aware of your breathing.
So happy breathing, everyone. It's great to be alive!
Until next week.
Keep singing.
Many blessings,