The Joy Of Conscious Breathing

Cathy Beech • October 21, 2021

Hello my lovely Angel Voices… 


I've been thinking about where I started on my mission to become a singer, it took a while to remember as it was so long ago… there are so many principle moments that have nurtured me as a singer, but learning the power of the breath was life changing.


Let's talk about the power of the breath. Yes, in my opinion and experience, the very foundations of discovering your voice is the ability to be conscious of your breathing as a singer. We firstly need to establish that the whole body is a part of your vocal instrument, from your toes to your fingertips and outside of your body as well, but learning the ability to control your breathing for singing is a life changer for sure. 

We know…


Breathing,  is something we just do naturally and it's laughable to think that we are doing it "wrong". It's not that your breathing is wrong, it's just that we do it unconsciously. We don't think about it. We just breathe until someone mentions it to us and then we do become conscious for probably about 5 minutes. I bet you are now aware of how you are breathing.

Just take a moment...

As you are reading this, take a moment to monitor your breathing. 

Are you taking small, shallow breaths? Is it going into your top lung or your lower lung or your stomach? Do you breathe in slowly? Are you breathing in through your mouth or are you breathing in through your nose? 

Just take the time to feel your breath working naturally. It will give you an idea of how your body is taking in air. Does the breath energise you? It may sound a crazy question, but it's worth noting.

I spend a lot of time honing the art of breath control with all of my students helping them to become conscious of how they use their breathing as a singer. Each song requires direction, and breathing has to become a part of that direction. 

My Way...

When I was first learning to sing, I took it for granted that I would just open my mouth and let the sound out, no problem! I was most definitely a loud unconscious singer. But performing in front of others would create an anxiety that I had never experienced before.

This anxiety over the years manifested itself into sore throats, a bad chest, sniffles a day before a performance. I had no techniques back then to help me through this, I had 3 different vocal coaches, they were all impressed with my ability to sing powerfully, but none of them taught me how to look after my voice or that I would need to, I had to learn that through my own personal education after I had lost my voice. I now know and feel that I have the right coping strategies for performing and for practicing.

Losing my voice though and discovering how to make it stronger and keep it protected has been the foundations of building my vocal coaching school, you see when  I lost my stamina in my singing and about one and a half octaves in range, I discovered that the studying of breathing is  a great  aid in not just singing but developing the voice. Learning by rebuilding my voice  did not just bring strengthening to my singing skills, but it helped me  to overcome what I now know is called performance anxiety.

Where can you start to improve your breathing technique?

Remember, firstly, that all my exercises are designed for people who want to sing. So although I studied breathing techniques from yoga, mostly UJJAYI breathing technique.  This technique is about breathing in through the nose, and as you breathe out of the mouth, you make a soft sound from the back of your throat. 

Now, I don't do that in breathing for singing, but it is a great place to start to become conscious of your breath. 

One of the best videos I learned this type of breathing from is about 30 years old, and it's called Yoga in the Desert with Eric Schiffman. It's a great place to start connecting your breath with your body, and I recommend that you watch the first ten minutes of that video.

It is on YouTube.

Once you get past the introduction music (Although I love the music), he starts talking about breathing. It's about five minutes into the video, he starts talking about breathing, and it's really interesting and a great place to start. 

My breathing exercise routine. 

I do have a regular exercise routine everyday for singing, and the breathing exercises are a part of what I do every morning. 

To the length of one song, I will start my day with singing in mind (because that's what makes me the happiest). I put on a feel good song with the steady 4/4 beat. I am lying down in my bed, hands on my belly.

As I breathe in, I push up my hands. Which means I'm filling my belly with air, and as I breathe out, I let my belly release the air. Just note that my hands go up with the breath in and then they go down with the breath out. 

The routine is as follows….

To a song of your choice..

Breath in for four and then out for four,  four times. 

Then breath in for four, hold  for four and breath out for four. Do that for four times.

Then breath in for four, hold for eight. Breath out for eight. And do this four times. 

Then wiggle your  fingers and wiggle  toes and then I'll do a stretch and then repeat it. 

However long the song is for, usually it's about three and a half to four minutes. I will repeat as many times as I need to, and it's a really great way to start my day. 

I hope you enjoy that little technique and I hope you have a little go of it in the morning or before you go to sleep, as it's a great way to start becoming consciously aware of your breathing. 

So happy breathing, everyone. It's great to be alive!

Until next week. 

Keep singing.


Many blessings, 


By angelvoiceschool July 20, 2023
This is a subtitle for your new post
By Cathy Beech July 19, 2022
The Big Picnic, Welshpool Hello My lovely Angel Voices, It's been almost a month since I last wrote to you lovely singers and wanna be singers and fans of singing.. and I want to share with you my thoughts on how important local events are, run by local people. Event organising can be a strange thing to work on, I equate it to wanting to be the Prime Minister, it seems like a good idea at the time and then when the work begins you think, what have I done…. I mean who wants to work everyday non-stop for 3 months? Well it turns out all of us at AVS do, but we are a little crazy, and in this school that is the norm. Right now though, after two years of restrictions it feels even more strange to be doing a local event like the Big Picnic. As a Vocal Coach whose main aim is to promote mental stability and maintain mental wellbeing, through the medium of vocal agility, I can promise you that putting on an event can test the limits of your mental capacity, from all areas of the event that has to be organised. I feel blessed to have learned many coping strategies over these last 15 years, they have allowed me to stay very Zen whilst doing this event this year, I say this whilst smiling at the fact that I feel very calm right now, that is a feeling I know may change over the next few days. Let me explain… Lesson’s Learned… For the last 20 years I have helped many organisations with their events, and taken on many roles such as a compere, a host, an ice cream attendant ( I wasn't very good. I ate more than I sold ), a stage manager, an events coordinator, an entertainer/singer, a ticket seller, a promoter and many many other jobs I have taken on thinking back the list is endless. I have loved being a part of all of these events and giving my time to them, doing them all, have helped me to develop my current strategies. I never really knew, when I became part of a team, why I was doing it, or why I did these events at the time that I did them. I didn't get paid, I didn't get recognition for a lot of the events I have done, but it's not necessary really is it? The main thing was, I loved music and I think that was the main motivator at the time and the fact that I really wanted to work in music and I want everyone to love it too, however, there was a more meaningful reason. Over these last eight years, I discovered that the truth for me was I needed to learn so that I could do what I am doing now. I have a dream and a destiny to fulfil deep within my soul, something that money can not buy, fame can not bring, or jealousy in action can not stop from happening. And the pandemic in all its restrictions allowed me to reflect on a very deep level, how important this dream/destiny is. When I was younger, there were so many barriers that were put up for me. Emotional barriers. physical barriers and creative barriers. Having those barriers placed before me has given me insight into seeing that there are barriers where I live. Yes there are barriers to singing and music that restrict so many life affirming moments together, but most importantly, I can see the barriers to creativity, and being creative is, in my humble opinion, who we are all destined to be, in whatever form that takes, it lifts us and unites us. The Real Reason for Going to an Event… As more and more of us lean heavily on our phones to entertain us. You can see that the real world, the real people in our lives can be by our side, literally, and instead of experiencing their physical presence, we'll send a text to someone not in the room or worse read our facebook status whilst someone is with us for a chat or a catch up. We do this daily now, and we accept it as part of the norm. I have become so aware of it that I have even taken to turning my phone sound off and putting it away when in company, “No phone rules my life,” I'll say. But it is a tool for all my work. And I can't always keep that promise. So I find now that events like The Big Picnic Welshpool, are a perfect opportunity to put the phone away and experience the real reality. I mean, what the heck do we need a virtual one for when there is fun to be had in person. The Practice and Art of Preparing People for the stage… I have watched over the last six months and especially the last six weeks, all of the AVS students prepare for this event. They have gone through every emotion that you can possibly think of in order to gain the strength to be able to stand on that stage and perform. In my opinion, they have done amazingly well. In fact, there have been many personal miracles that have allowed them to feel strong in themselves by doing this event. I have one young man, whose anxiety has stopped him performing so many times, but so far, we have faced this fear and he is winning. You will not be able to tell who it is on the day for sure. Let me tell you something else, it has been tough for them, all of them, no matter what age, I have felt it for the teenagers the most because their lives are already intense and can be uncertain, and the pandemic restrictions and now coming back into what should be real life for them is a lot to handle, but they have all overcome their fears, just through learning to sing. Let me just say that again, their learning to songs each week has helped them to overcome two years of not being able to interact with others. I find that amazing! So it really is a big deal. It takes a BIG effort to get these kids and adults, especially teenagers, back into the real world. And the only way, in my opinion, is through participation of having fun and laughter. And music is a key that opens the soul to their path of joy. There is a connection, therefore, between being entertained by locals and family and building that community, by going and enjoying what someone has worked so hard for them to enjoy. The Joy of taking part as an audience member.. All audiences are important, having someone listen to a song, a person, to hear people clap and cheer as a collective fills us all with joy. We as the audience get a high from cheering on those we’ve listened to and supported, it is so good for us. so when I am asked why have you put together this event, it is for the experience. to see my students' enjoyment and confidence lifted because they gave effort and they got rewarded with joy. This is not about money, this is about people and I think on that day, everyone who attends will feel that joy and be proud of everyone connecting us all. So for one whole day/afternoon/evening, come and join us. Listen to these wonderful Angel Voice Singing School students and two other schools (NYP and Cosmic Cheer). All local groups. Sing with them and the Massi-oke and have an amazing time listening to professional singers like myself, Cathy Beech and the band Something 4 The Weekend, oh my goodness does Louise have an amazing voice, you can check them out on Facebook Take photos on the day, do snapchats, but ignore those notifications. In fact, turn them off for 24 hours. They are far too demanding. I really look forward to seeing you on the 23rd of July at the Welshpool Rugby Pitch, 1.00 pm. Gates will open, the show starts at 2pm. Let's celebrate life with our families in the most beautiful area and have fun because we deserve it. There will be a bouncy castle, also an assault course, a gin bar and a burger and chips vendor, some stalls of local charities and craft stalls, there will be a games area and there are toilets, just so you know. It is a cash event so bring plenty of cash. Tickets can be bought on line check out this link, You can purchase tickets on the day with cash. They are more expensive, so please do try and purchase online. Many thanks for that. We are really grateful to The Welshpool Rugby Club for letting us use their pitch, so please note we will be giving bin bags out to put your rubbish in so that you can throw it in the skip or take it home with you at the end of the day. Sending you blessings and have the most amazing week. Cathy.
By Cathy Beech June 16, 2022
Hello Angel Voice Singers, I love June. Next to March, June is tops for me. This month marks the summer solstice, which when you live in a beautiful, well preserved part of Wales, you feel blessed. A few months ago I had this idea to start The BIG PICNIC event. This last week with the celebration of the Queen's 70th Jubilee and my first singing workshop being held at Glansevern Hall. A remarkable place of beauty. I can honestly say I have started this month of joyful June on a high tune of joy and in preparation for my big picnic event. Singing Workshops And The Need For Them… Having a singing workshop benefits the students in several ways. For 5 days, they have a practice of the following:- Breath control Body warm up Singing in unison Repetitive vocal warm ups Daily body, mind and voice practice ritual One of the many things I have learnt about the art of singing and its practice is - we can as vocalists, whether we are professional or not, take it for granted that we do not need to practice the same vocal routine every day, if we call it a rutual though, it doesnt seem quite so mundane. Once we stop our ritual, then our brain is losing the agility of moving the voice easily and in a way that we want to be able to move our voice. Practicing songs and learning lyrics should always come after a good warm up routine. What I Witness In My Workshops.... What I witnessed in my workshops is how each student who comes every day builds on their vocal memory from the day before, making them stronger and more confident in their skills. Also, because they see me every day and listen to my direction and encouragement, they start to trust in their voice that little bit more. Why Glansevern Hall And An Outside Workshop?... In this country, weather is always a deciding factor in outdoor activities. It's usually quite warm this time of year and we were fortunate weather wise to do our workshop. But with organizing our school’s annual event The Big Picnic 2022 in Welshpool, I felt it necessary to coach outside as this would benefit the students in the long run. In coaching, our surroundings need to inspire us all. They need to build us through our senses. Are singing is an internally controlled instrument, so an ability to feel our songs come from our senses through feeling nature, helps us to find a way to express our imaginations vocally. It should be an all consuming part of our vocal education. Glansevern is a real life example of imagination turned into a manifestation that everyone can enjoy and be a part of and that is why I chose this particular venue for my students to take part. They did their first workshop of 2022 at the same time that Glansevern launched their new café. It is a part of history now and something that they will always be able to remember fondly and with happiness, and for me it brought two important local companies together in unison. This is a full circle of a great life and is all encompassing How I Feel About Daily Vocal Workshops?... Daily vocal workshops for me are the most amazing experiences for all my students, including me as a vocal coach. I have done many workshops over the years and a lot of them I have designed to finish with with a small performance. This particular workshop is a much longer workshop as it is the beginning of a 6 week workshop specifically for the big picnic. I will talk more about this amazing project in the next blog and how you can be a part of it. Singing workshops enhance our lives and filter into all aspects of what we want. They teach tenacity, guidance, the ability to listen, take direction, become creative, be spontaneous, especially at the end of the week. I have been super impressed with my students this week. We had the best time. We became a singing team. There is nothing more special than that. Keep singing Many blessings. Cathy.
By Cathy Beech May 31, 2022
“I Can't Sing?!” Hello, Angel Voice Followers, Did you say “I can’t Sing?”... What a great thing to tell yourself… “I can't sing!” … Of course I am joking. I get this response 90% of the time when I ask, “Come and join my choir”. This is the strangest response to hear, “ I can't sing .” It’s like I should say, “ok that’s that then!” The thing is as odd as that sounds to me, I do understand that sentiment. However, I know that this is simply not true. Those who know me, know the story of how I lost my voice, and for 2 years I cried about it and then spent a further 3 years not only repairing my ability to sing, but surpassing my own expectations. There are a lot of books and stories I have read about other singers, coaches and business mentors that talk about reasons for everything that happens in your life. I genuinely believe that I lost my voice so that it would give me the motivation to help others who believe that they can't sing. Here in Powys, every person I have heard makes me believe that singing is beautiful. There are so many talented people in this part of the world who just don't know that they are talented. They have been undermined in one way or another and talked out of singing, until they believe it was their idea. I would like to say this shocks me, but it doesn’t anymore. Some of the horror stories I have been told make me so upset, because my experience was not much different. However what truly shocks me more is the belief that not everyone can sing and that singing isn't really that important. I believe my purpose in life is to let everyone know they can sing, they deserve to sing and they deserve to do it loud and with pride. I love hearing effort! So yes…. Everyone can sing! The importance of Singing in your own life… Singing is more to do with self care and self belief and confidence than it is to do with hearing. It is also a great way to learn how to let go. I have taught many students over the years to know that their voice once they love it will set them free… If you can sing, you have confidence, but if you can't sing, there is no confidence. I know I make this sound so easy, but let me tell you I do appreciate the effort you have to go to to make yourself heard, and that is by just you, let alone others. Some people believe they can't sing because they have to work hard at learning to pitch. And then other people who can sing and can pitch easily are afraid of rejection. When you sing in a group, all this melts away with time. Time is one of the keys, just like it is with anything else to do with self improvement. There are many factors as to why someone can't pitch, and I will go into those in another blog, but not today. My point in writing this is to let you know that you can sing. Everyone can sing, and there isn't a vocal coach out there worth their salt if they don't tell you that not everyone can sing. With effort and drive and commitment and skill learned by listening to your coach, you can do it. I have seen students of mine change their jobs to higher paid jobs because they learned to love their voice. I have seen them stand on a stage after years of being afraid to speak to just one person and sing in front of hundreds of people. This is no accident, this is what singing does for you. Seeing and Feeling Live Singing in Action … This last weekend, myself and a handful of my students went out to raise the vibrational level of business at a local spring market at Newtown Business Hub. It was a great pleasure to do, and it does make people happier when they hear music. It raises that vibration. They become more engaged with each other, not with just us, but with everybody in the room. Music is everything when it comes to being a part of a community, and yes it does help us to be happier and stops the energy from becoming flat. In fact, the way I feel about being in a room full of music where you're buying gifts and food, is that it creates a more 5-dimensional feeling. And also, it creates a moment that will not be forgotten. So many people shared their thanks with us. My students, off their own back, went out and promoted the school workshops. To anybody and everybody that was there, these were all students who were children and adults who at one time had told me that they didn't have confidence to speak to strangers. Amazing to watch them share their joy of singing with strangers, my heart felt full, because I know this joy already. One of the things that I've always come up against is the one thing that they came up against. And that was, “Oh, don't ask me, I can't sing.” Then they turned to a faithful friend and affirmed through them. “Can I?” To which their friend goes, “Oh, no, they're terrible!. They are terrible singers!.” Which always makes me laugh. When my students came up against this comment, they all said, I was the same, but then…. and gave their story, I was touched by it all. Oh, how much they want to believe this to be true I can see it in their faces. The truth is, it’s a defence mechanism that stops them trying to sing, for so many possible reasons… Rejection? Ridicule? Laughter? There is also the genuine reason of not liking singing, which if I am honest I do not understand, so I won’t even try to. Essentially I know from my experience that when you ask someone to sing it does not really bring a positive image in their minds. And I see it all the time, it is the reason why I've spent the last 8 years dedicating myself to showing people that if they sing and sing with joy, with love, and most importantly, with happiness, the world is their oyster, for want of a better phrase. And I give them an image that is totally different from the one that they have in their mind. Sharing the Good Vocal Vibes… What was amazing last Sunday was my students' faces, their body language and their excitement in telling their story of how they found their voice. I felt that now, I wasn't alone in telling this story. This time I had my wonderful students who have experienced through the last 8 years the effects of what singing does for them. It's not about being famous. And I say this all the time. What I witnessed with my students. And I am paraphrasing here. Is their response that they gave to the sentence, I can't sing. “I thought that too. But I just came to one session and now I have something in my life that I love, and it lifts me. And I am a part of a beautiful community that supports my life.” Twice I heard words to this effect from two different students. And even one from a mother of a student, and it just lifted me. It means that the last 8 years I am on the right track. It means that I am getting through just a little bit as to how important singing is in everyone's life, whether they listen to it or become a part of it. But becoming a part of it is second to none. So the word is spreading. And yes, YES, you can sing and you can sing with all your heart and no one. And I mean no one has the right to tell you that you can't. So don't tell yourself that you can't either. Have a most blessed day. Forever your singing coach, Cathy.
By Cathy Beech May 20, 2022
Singing for a living Hello My Lovely Angel Voice followers, What a week it has been! Full of singing and joy. The summer season of song and happiness in the sun is almost upon us, and our school has plenty to do and showcase this year, which after the last two years is one of the biggest things we, at Angel Voice Singing School, are really grateful for. I have been talking a lot this past week with my friends and students about how I started my singing career. A conversation inspired by listening to a group of self-help speakers and motivators finding that one true love in their life and making it their job. I find people who have set out to do what they want, so inspiring,and their methods really interesting and it got me reflecting on my own start in my dream “job”, that really isn't a “job''. I thought, “You know it is probably time I shared how I started it all” and so here we are and hopefully you will feel inspired a little… (I say this, I am currently eating a sausage butty, and drinking tea in my pj’s, not vision of clarity for sure, although it is yummy haha). The Beginning… Let’s be honest… In case you haven’t read my other blogs yet haha… Singing gave me an identity. It is my career, no two ways around it. Singing stopped me from being the victim of my own life and made me the heroine of it instead. After dedicating my life for several years to my children and my family, I have now got myself to a point where I can dedicate the rest of my life alongside my family, to my music and my dreams that I have had all my life. At 24 I became pregnant with my eldest child, which was joyous news after I had lost my First son to stillbirth 4 and a half years previously, we were all very excited. I knew deep in my heart, I wanted my child to follow their dreams as an adult. I knew how important it was. I loved this unborn child so much that my heart was bursting to give them all the love and real advice that I could and protect them from the negativity that had surrounded me. I knew when I found out I was pregnant, that I was bailing out on my own life, I was not being true to myself. Although I'd had vocal training, classical training in music through my violin, orchestra, gradings, choirs, my fear of making it my career was bigger than I had known. It had stopped me from pursuing a career as a professional musician, I did not want my child to know what that fear felt like. This time, this pep talk was different from any other I had ever had with myself. I imagined looking into my 16 year old's face and, after listening to him (in my mind), ask me the question, “Did you follow your dreams, Mum?” I knew that I hadn't. and I realised I had to be brave enough to take that leap of faith in me. So with a courage in my heart founded by this passion that I felt at that moment, I entered a talent competition, a really big talent competition, in Longton, Stoke on Trent. I learnt three songs that I sang with a band that I'd never sung with before, to say I was nervous, well you can guess, but I blagged it, backstage I was cool, then I went out on to the stage under the bright lights and fell apart, thinking about it makes me laugh now. The band had sheet music, which turned out to be two keys higher than I had been practicing. I had no rehearsal with them so what the audience really witnessed was a rehearsal not a performance and it was bad because it was so totally blind. So bare all of that in mind when I tell you… I went out on stage after they announced my name and I cried. I was heckled by somebody, and I cried even more. And I could see my mum and my nan and my dad in the audience and I cried haha. The band played and I sang. It felt good, even though I felt it sounded blooming awful.. I came 4th out of 10 acts of the 3rd heat, there were 10 heats in all, I did not get past the first stage. At the time it was a sign that I was awful, now I know it was a lack of performance knowledge. My son was born six months later and I decided that it was still what I wanted to do even after that “disaster”. So I got my own P.A. kit and by the time my son was 2, I had rehearsed my songs and I went out and did my first gig up in Bolton. I was 26 years old when I finally made singing my career, truthfully I was scared every time I went out. There's no doubt about that. And I know I discussed that in my previous blog, performance anxiety should not stop you, it is a tool in many ways that helps you to find your true self. It is not the easiest road to travel, I know that myself, but it is rewarding once you beat it and overcome it. Just as an FYI, my eldest son followed his dreams. And is now one of the top groundsmen in the country, building stages for big names and big festivals. And I'm very proud of him. And my youngest son is now taking his GCSEs, and is believing in himself, as a mum, that is all I could ever want. How I managed my career as a professional singer… Every time I went into the changing room before my performances, I would sit and look in the mirror, I would focus on breathing nice and steady. I would then have a little pep talk to myself, I would look myself in the eyes as I stared into the mirror and say, “Cathy, you are a great singer, you are a great performer, your audience loves you”. And I would have a little bit of a laugh with myself, and find something funny. I would check my set list, memorise it and then go out on to the stage, sometimes I would, if no one was around, do a cartwheel, just so I could own the stage. After that first song, after those first couple of words that were sung, the fear went. It always went and it always has. And I don't have that fear very often now. Singing for a living when we just think about it, is scary. My vocal coaches were just a small part of my education, but my real education came when I went out into the world and allowed people to hear my voice. Love or loathe my voice. If you're talking about it, I've inspired something. That is how I feel. As a vocal coach that is what I teach. Dare to have the nerves to be yourself. Let your voice be free by being brave. I coach on how to have the strength to be the best regardless of what anybody else is thinking or what anybody else is saying. A few Little Tips I have learned on my life path to singing… Here are a few little tips that I will give you, you can check that little list off if you're a list checker. Start small and find something that just gives you that little bit of courage every day. An affirmation of “I am Brave” is great to say to yourself. Sing a scale within your range freestyle or sing one of your favourite songs every day. You can find piano scales on Youtube to sing along with. Start looking at backing tracks, find your favourite song or the song you find easy to sing and purchase it. There's some wonderful backing track companies online, things that weren't like that when I was starting out. But if you find a good backing track, it will inspire you to sing even more. Find a self-help book on singing or an autobiography of a singer that maybe you never thought about. I loved reading about Dolly Parton and Diana Ross, their stories gave me strength and that is what you are looking for. Find as many inspirational coaches as you can, they don’t have to be famous or published either, there is one that will inspire you to do that little bit more every day. We are not alone. So find that one voice that reaches you. I was fortunate to know my first business coach personally, she was amazing and held my hand through all of my doubts, gave me books to read and little bits of advice that I give to my students and friends still today. She was my Sandie Hulme, find yours, you will never look back. Write down what it is that you want to achieve with your voice. For example… Where do you see yourself singing? Is it in a recording studio? Is it on the West End? Is it on a cruise? Is it writing songs with a heavy metal band or a folk band, wherever it is? Or is it as simple as belonging to a community, I mean, the world is your oyster when it comes to music because there are so many different genres and avenues to take and all of them are the right genres if it speaks to you. Spend time visualising putting that list to use and take at least three 5 minute slots a day seeing yourself singing in that way. It is a joy. Remember, your voice is unique. Nobody sounds like you. You are unique. So “Free your voice!”. You know you want to. Sending many blessings to all of you singing angels, may your voice be heard in unison with your dreams. Cathy.
By Cathy Beech May 5, 2022
Hello Angel Voices, The Art of Joining In As A “Normal” Person This week I am going to talk about the fear of joining in, what is also known as performance anxiety. Performance anxiety is a vast field of complex emotions from various experiences that live within us even years after they have happened. In a nutshell performance anxiety stops us from feeling like we have anything to contribute, which is the furthest thing from the truth. I know my past traumas have contributed to my performance anxiety, the most profound one’s being judgement from others and the idea of rejection. Quite clearly I can say, I had the family support and in my later years good friends, which I feel have helped me to overcome my younger experiences of rejections and unworthiness. But in truth the work I had to do for myself has me on a self discovery journey that I have now been on since 2007. My life as an anxious and rejected teenager… I've really had to think about this. Over the years I have come to accept my natural extrovert self… a soul who, no matter how many times, was actively made to feel embarrassed about speaking out with ‘wonderful’ comments such as... “Be quiet, Catherine. Do you have an off button? When do you ever shut up?” These were phrases I heard many times as a child, and I really wanted to conform. I believe I wanted to be the quiet shy child, only because I wanted to please people, as children I think we do, it is an innate part of being a child, wanting praise for doing as we are told, but then as a teenager well all I can say is it was inevitable that my natural abilities always lay with talking and singing about everything. You know writing this out just makes me laugh about it, so many people have struggled with my persona and I am ok with it now, but it did take some getting used to, especially for me. My parents have always taught me to be happy with me, and it is that principle that I coach singing, because I know that singing is all about discovering yourself, your voice and loving it. I know singing is what calmed the chatter down immensely and helped me make my conversations more exact and precise probably about 80% of the time instead of 20% and definitely is one of the reasons why it is my passion. The biggest part of overcoming my performance anxiety was accepting who I was and to not judge anyone from when I was younger for saying things that in the long run held me back from liking myself. I don’t know if any of you can relate, but as I became an older teenager it became obvious to me that I did not fit into the “norm” but as my dad said, “What is the ‘norm’ anyway?”. It seemed the harder I tried, the worse it got, almost like I was giving people permission to be negative about my outgoing nature. For quite sometime my loudness became my front and it carried me over the pain of what I felt was people not liking who I was and what I was doing. Every song I ever did on stage from the age of 24 to 36, I am not ashamed to say, I was highly anxious, but I did it anyway, the thought of doing something I did not love was far more terrifying, (a double edged sword). Looking back at my high school education in regards to music, I know why I persevered, I can honestly say the structure of the music department in regards to rehearsals and performances gave a great impact to my later years, without that structure I would have been swallowed up in my emotions for most of my life with no idea how to direct it all. Performing although worrying was my salvation, I never had time to think about the fear of joining in because that decision, thankfully, was made for me and I am massively grateful, because it became a good habit. I believe learning to sing, read music, be a part of a vocal group, or orchestra is a byway to learning how to navigate the world we live in, no matter what age we are. My Choices as a teenager define me?… Thank goodness I now know this phrase is not true… I always use the adage “I am my own definition of happiness” and that fits all categories I feel… but I think fear of performance starts at a young age… that first time someone tells you to Shut up” cause they believe you can’t sing, means that you have to find your own structure to help yourself overcome what that opinion means to you. Knowing that I am living the life I wanted to, but thought I couldn't, means that my teenage years do not define my whole life, it is a part of my life that I am truly grateful I survived, that is the truth. Lets be our own best friend… I believe the fear of doing something as simple as Sing and Perform stems from the fear of rejection, not just from others, but from our alter ego, the one that chats to us in our quiet time. The part of us that analyses what we did, how we sang, who was listening, and then we ask… what did they think? It's just a thought, right? But without loving guidance, that thought can lead to much bigger places of internal rejection, criticism and blame. And let's be honest, we definitely deserve better than that type of analysis. So learning to be kind to ourselves is essential in becoming a confident singer and someone who wants to sing free from the shackles of imprisoning thoughts like these. The time for change is now, we are all part of the norm… Yes we are! Everyone of us is “Normal” in our own way, and the way to define who we really are, we should listen to our voices and love them, because once we do, then the world opens up its arms and says “Welcome!”… It really does. Over the last 20 years not just as a vocal coach, but as a performer as well, I have witnessed the strength that people find deep within themselves once they have found their voice to do the one thing they always wanted to do, even if it is 20, 30, or 40 years after leaving highschool. I know without a doubt that the power of singing alone or together and in front of people is more important than we could even imagine right now. It is a life changer, a beautiful vibration that lifts us. When we use it to discover ourselves, that fear, the one we deny, the one we know is there, but say it isn't. That fear melts into a pool where the sun shines and a rainbow is born, when we love our voice and let it sing out, no matter what people think. You need to feel the vibration of sound. Go and join that choir, that vocal workshop. Sing at that open mic, or karaoke or church event. Be a part of your community, both as a performer and a spectator. You will never look back. (free your voice) Many blessings to you all. Cathy Beech.
By Cathy Beech March 16, 2022
The Joy Of Blogs When It’s been a While… It has been quite a few months since I last did a blog for the Angel Voice Singing School, and I apologise. So let me start… Hello, Angel Voices!! It is so lovely to be able to write you this blog after such a long time. So much has changed within these few months. It is really hard to tell you the strength of feeling I have about the joy that my singing school is bringing to those who I am working with and hopefully you too. What have we been up to? In December 2021, we, as a school, got to perform at one of our local churches in Welshpool, a stunning and beautiful building with so much spiritual history. The pandemic struck again with the Omicron and attempted to disrupt and although we should have had a full church we still managed to perform to a smaller crowd and it was so uplifting. Most importantly, we managed to bring a sense of Christmas and community to everyone who was able to make it. We did it safely and with integrity and with joy. Singing is all about bringing communities together and we definitely brought our community together for one night. Sometimes, I feel that singing is sold short, it is not valued the way that it should be, not like conventional work, and yet it’s value is beyond anything I have ever experienced. For example we were thrown into another dark moment and this little concert lifted everyone who could make it from our darkest feelings and fears into the light of joy and positivity. I definitely learned that evening that singing is my vocation. It is a gift that I want to share with everyone because I believe and know that everyone can sing. Your perception of how you sing is what I want to help you to change. The news of our event spread far and wide and we got recognition from our local conservative MP congratulating us on being able to provide a wonderful Christmas event and I was really, really touched by that letter and the recognition that myself and my students all received for putting the event on, a special thanks goes out to everyone who came and all my students for being brave in the face of fear, you made such a difference and you always will. What I know for certain is that Angel Voice Singing School created such a feeling of warmth and joy that it cannot be mistaken. All my students are so amazing at bringing people into the moment, and that's what they did at our Christmas concert back in December. Well done all of you! I had a lovely Christmas and then I got COVID. Unfortunately it lasted for 7 weeks with so many different symptoms. It was a matter of focus and recovery, so if there is anyone who has waited for my blog to come out, I apologise for the delay… I can tell you that I am now back on track with so much joyous news it will be an eye opener… It is very exciting! Exciting News begins here… What I am really excited to share with you in this blog is that on the 7th of March, my 48th year celebration around the Sun and Yeah, A CELEBRATION! It's my celebration of SINGING and I say that with joy, to do it on my birthday though was amazing and special. Many were able to come to a relaunch of my website, with a new membership that means you can learn from home in your own time and with me and my school as a vocal guiding light. I'm so excited about this that I cannot put it into words, but I'm going to try. When I wrote this business plan in 1999, I was not aware of the impact that the internet would have on music and on education and when I made this business my full time job back in 2014 one of the things I wanted to do is have a launch party. I was so overwhelmed to do this on my birthday. Two of my students Gwen Jones and Sally Green sang and gave amazing performances, Sarah Hepburn of “Sezza Creation” demonstrated how the membership would work and let me tell you it is exciting, because there are recordings of songs we can talk about, vocal exercises, body warm ups etc etc, the world is now my oyster in sharing with you all that I do and all for… wait for it … £4 a month… that is amazing don’t you think? I am so happy about this. Making strides to a Grateful Life… So thank you so much for reading my blog. Thank you so much for supporting this beautiful singing school and supporting. I just want to say thank you to SARAH HEPBURN , who is my website designer and my graphic designer. Without her I would not get this work done and without my administrative genius who is actually Superwoman, trust me! If she can get me to do the admin work that has to be done and she does, then she is truly superwoman. She is the one that gets everything out to you so that you can read all about it. I want to thank VICKI WILSON , too. Thank you very much for reading my blog. I know it's been a long one, but it's been a few months. Sending lots of blessings to you all and keep singing. And watch this space for upcoming events that all my students will be involved with over the year of 2022. Cathy Beech.
By Cathy Beech December 13, 2021
Christmas is Coming… Hello My Angel Voices, I am writing today with the joy beating in my heart, I believe in practicing being joyful. It is a learned skill. The “Sun is warm” (even though the weather is cold and wet), “grass is green” is my kind of mantra for weeks like this one. I believe it is the beginning of finding our true Christmas spirit by creating a joyfulness that is beating in your heart. Practising the art of happiness is as much of a skill that takes effort as singing is. It's also one of my most favourite feelings and I love how it lifts me high enough to see the beauty in this life. Let's face it, we get shown the ugly stuff far more often than is necessary and especially at this time, but I believe there is a reason for everything, and the reason for our United struggle will present itself at some point, it always does. What I look for in a Christmas song?... Joy! That is what I look for. I'm not even joking. I also loved the nativity story as a child growing up, I mean how can you not? A baby born as regal as the son of God, born in a stable and found by Shepherds and wise men (kings), it’s full of wonder and drama and mostly love, yes there are presents but ones that sustain a rich and fulfilling life, something we can all learn from at any time in life. This year I have found a song that is talking to my spirit called Mary Did You Know? As a mother myself, I listened to the lyrics of this song and found myself reflecting on it. I've heard it a few times in the past, right now though the lyrics are really beautiful to me. It might be to do with the fact that my children are grown up and it pulls at my heartstrings as a mother and reminds me of all the nativities that I was in when I was younger and all the nativities that my children did when they were little. There are hundreds of versions of this song, but the one that I'm sharing with you today is one that I find very enchanting. I feel when I listen to the song that it brings out feelings of unconditional love that I learned from my family. Jordan Smith - Mary Did You Know - Full performance. The Unconditional love of Christmas... Christmas songs are all about unconditional love, love for family, love for friends, love of God or love of life, a time that we can share joy without guilt, why one should feel guilty about being joyous I'm yet to truly understand, my hope is that we can live our lives with joy, guilt free everyday and that Christmas will be a true celebration of that, which is how it is for me, it is also a great time to be thankful. Singing is a great way to express that gratitude. The Joy of Christmas songs and singing… Christmas songs also allow us to support and make ourselves aware of those who are less fortunate than us, that aren't experiencing those joyful moments, that don't have that family to love and be loved by, songs allow us to reach out to those we can't even see or speak to. There's no greater song than "Feed The World", (which is incidentally is playing whilst I write this blog, quite apt). This song back in the 80s, allowed us to all take stock and support those who really needed it. It set a precedent, and now we have so many different types of Christmas charity songs. It is a joy. From firefighters singing to army men singing. It is quite astounding. Even I released a Christmas song to raise funds for our local mental health organisation last year called "Angel Of Christmas"... Yes, the Christmas spirit is here. A Moment in Christmas Time... My favourite above favourite moments of having Christmas songs and practicing them is listening to my Teenie Beanies, my 4 to 7 year olds learning to sing Santa got stuck up the chimney. Rudolph and my Pop Boppers learning "I saw Mommy kissing Santa Claus" and my Teen Believers singing "Silent Night". They are delightful, and definitely pull you into the moment. It may not be Christmas quite yet, but it definitely is starting to build its magical moments in my life. In my head, I see all the white of the snow falling, and I feel that joyous moment, the smell of cinnamon. I love chocolate and Baileys this time of year (Who doesn't?!), as we get closer and closer to December the 25th and the nights draw in and we can take stock of what Christmas is all about when it comes to music, it is about lifting our souls and being thankful. Sing out loud, you beautiful angels. Cathy. Ps We will be sharing our voices at St Mary's Church in Welshpool at our Christmas Concert on the 16th December 2021.
By Cathy Beech November 19, 2021
So… a few weeks ago we got to celebrate the one and only “Angel Voice Singing School Annual Awards” and wow what a night we had! So to say it’s been “it's been a bit crazy” is slightly an understatement.
By Cathy Beech October 29, 2021
Hello my lovely Angel Voices… This last week I have been thinking about how the weather affects me this time of year. It has gone cold, everyone has got a cold of some kind and the nights are definitely darker. With the clocks going back this week, those cold and darker nights are about to really become a part of our winter season. We will have to wrap up warm and cook warm broths, stews, soups, these are great foods that bring comfort, but what do we do for our personal enjoyment? How do we lift our spirits when all we really want to do is cuddle into a warm soft blanket and hibernate? I am quite lucky I believe, as are many musicians, we get to play music for others and that means we practice songs in our own time, write music, have a hot chocolate and sing with friends, we kind of take for granted that we are in fact being active mentally, emotionally and physically without even thinking about it through the cold winter season. I mean in the winter even thinking can be an effort. Controlling our thoughts is a definite art form this time of year, because it’s all so dark, damp and cold… brrrrr! But when you are singing and or playing an instrument, controlling our thoughts gets taken over by musical discipline, a discipline I work at instilling in all my students and choir members. The true benefits of singing.. The experience I have in how singing benefits me is quite varied now, and I am always researching it’s benefits and implementing that research into my vocal sessions. Why do I do this? Well… I discovered in my adult years that I had suffered from depression since I was 13 years old, and looking back, it was instinctive for me to gravitate towards music. I now know that my singing was the main coping strategy I had that pulled me through some of my most darkest of days. In 2009 I truly discovered the real benefits of singing, this discovery I made after I had a mental breakdown, again singing and walking played a huge part in my recovery and I started to put together daily routines just for me, I set time aside for singing, for music and for walking, some days it would be 5 minutes and other days hours… but the benefits were always the same, a clear mind, a happy heart and I felt I could breathe freely again, life felt good. These feelings gave me the breakthrough I needed to start my own singing school in all honesty, and if it can do that for me, I thought, well it can do that for others too. I wanted to share my experience in a positive way and so I am. Everyday is spent with some type of singing involved, whether it is to myself or with others, that time that was my darkest, I now remember as days I spent practicing songs for just me. I was singing into my hair brush with Eva Cassidy, Celine Dion, The Beatles and many many more artists that had written songs that just made me feel the moment, made me feel alive. I didn’t aim to perform at that point, it was all about rebuilding my life, which took a few more years of self discovery, another story for another time I think. But I think where I am now speaks for itself. Singing gave me that time and when I look back I am grateful not sad. What singing does for you. . I am currently listening to a podcast that a friend of mine sent to me. She works for BBC Radio as a producer and sends me articles that she knows I would be interested in. Take a listen to Michael Mosley and his discovery of what singing does for our health. I found it really interesting and amusing. Listening to this podcast just highlighted for me what I know to be true, singing is the 7th sense of ours, it is unique in its form as I believe that it reaches every single part of our body and soul and helps our minds to expand to where it needs to be for us. It is magic. This podcast is 13 minutes long and talks about some of the science behind how we have now proven singing really is good for us all. Just for you … I am more than pleased to tell you that it was singing that helped me to discover the strategies I needed to keep me happy and healthy and helped to create the strong mindful vocal coach that I am today. I truly do enjoy sharing my vocal coaching life and insights with you all, I have had some wonderful feedback over the last month. Please feel free to email me anything you would like me to share in my weekly blogs in regards to singing and benefits. If you have a little story of your own musical journey that I can share then send it to me via email and I will gladly share it. Many Blessings Cathy..
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