The Big Picnic, Welshpool
Hello My lovely Angel Voices,
It's been almost a month since I last wrote to you lovely singers and wanna be singers and fans of singing.. and I want to share with you my thoughts on how important local events are, run by local people.
Event organising can be a strange thing to work on, I equate it to wanting to be the Prime Minister, it seems like a good idea at the time and then when the work begins you think, what have I done…. I mean who wants to work everyday non-stop for 3 months? Well it turns out all of us at AVS do, but we are a little crazy, and in this school that is the norm.
Right now though, after two years of restrictions it feels even more strange to be doing a local event like the Big Picnic. As a Vocal Coach whose main aim is to promote mental stability and maintain mental wellbeing, through the medium of vocal agility, I can promise you that putting on an event can test the limits of your mental capacity, from all areas of the event that has to be organised. I feel blessed to have learned many coping strategies over these last 15 years, they have allowed me to stay very Zen whilst doing this event this year, I say this whilst smiling at the fact that I feel very calm right now, that is a feeling I know may change over the next few days.
Let me explain…
Lesson’s Learned…
For the last 20 years I have helped many organisations with their events, and taken on many roles such as a compere, a host, an ice cream attendant (I wasn't very good. I ate more than I sold), a stage manager, an events coordinator, an entertainer/singer, a ticket seller, a promoter and many many other jobs I have taken on thinking back the list is endless.
I have loved being a part of all of these events and giving my time to them, doing them all, have helped me to develop my current strategies. I never really knew, when I became part of a team, why I was doing it, or why I did these events at the time that I did them. I didn't get paid, I didn't get recognition for a lot of the events I have done, but it's not necessary really is it? The main thing was, I loved music and I think that was the main motivator at the time and the fact that I really wanted to work in music and I want everyone to love it too, however, there was a more meaningful reason.
Over these last eight years, I discovered that the truth for me was I needed to learn so that I could do what I am doing now. I have a dream and a destiny to fulfil deep within my soul, something that money can not buy, fame can not bring, or jealousy in action can not stop from happening. And the pandemic in all its restrictions allowed me to reflect on a very deep level, how important this dream/destiny is.
When I was younger, there were so many barriers that were put up for me. Emotional barriers. physical barriers and creative barriers. Having those barriers placed before me has given me insight into seeing that there are barriers where I live. Yes there are barriers to singing and music that restrict so many life affirming moments together, but most importantly, I can see the barriers to creativity, and being creative is, in my humble opinion, who we are all destined to be, in whatever form that takes, it lifts us and unites us.
The Real Reason for Going to an Event…
As more and more of us lean heavily on our phones to entertain us. You can see that the real world, the real people in our lives can be by our side, literally, and instead of experiencing their physical presence, we'll send a text to someone not in the room or worse read our facebook status whilst someone is with us for a chat or a catch up. We do this daily now, and we accept it as part of the norm. I have become so aware of it that I have even taken to turning my phone sound off and putting it away when in company, “No phone rules my life,” I'll say. But it is a tool for all my work. And I can't always keep that promise. So I find now that events like The Big Picnic Welshpool, are a perfect opportunity to put the phone away and experience the real reality. I mean, what the heck do we need a virtual one for when there is fun to be had in person.
The Practice and Art of Preparing People for the stage…
I have watched over the last six months and especially the last six weeks, all of the AVS students prepare for this event. They have gone through every emotion that you can possibly think of in order to gain the strength to be able to stand on that stage and perform. In my opinion, they have done amazingly well. In fact, there have been many personal miracles that have allowed them to feel strong in themselves by doing this event. I have one young man, whose anxiety has stopped him performing so many times, but so far, we have faced this fear and he is winning. You will not be able to tell who it is on the day for sure.
Let me tell you something else, it has been tough for them, all of them, no matter what age, I have felt it for the teenagers the most because their lives are already intense and can be uncertain, and the pandemic restrictions and now coming back into what should be real life for them is a lot to handle, but they have all overcome their fears, just through learning to sing. Let me just say that again, their learning to songs each week has helped them to overcome two years of not being able to interact with others. I find that amazing!
So it really is a big deal. It takes a BIG effort to get these kids and adults, especially teenagers, back into the real world. And the only way, in my opinion, is through participation of having fun and laughter. And music is a key that opens the soul to their path of joy. There is a connection, therefore, between being entertained by locals and family and building that community, by going and enjoying what someone has worked so hard for them to enjoy.
The Joy of taking part as an audience member..
All audiences are important, having someone listen to a song, a person, to hear people clap and cheer as a collective fills us all with joy. We as the audience get a high from cheering on those we’ve listened to and supported, it is so good for us.
so when I am asked why have you put together this event, it is for the experience. to see my students' enjoyment and confidence lifted because they gave effort and they got rewarded with joy. This is not about money, this is about people and I think on that day, everyone who attends will feel that joy and be proud of everyone connecting us all.
So for one whole day/afternoon/evening, come and join us. Listen to these wonderful Angel Voice Singing School students and two other schools (NYP and Cosmic Cheer). All local groups. Sing with them and the Massi-oke and have an amazing time listening to professional singers like myself, Cathy Beech and the band Something 4 The Weekend, oh my goodness does Louise have an amazing voice, you can check them out on Facebook
Take photos on the day, do snapchats, but ignore those notifications. In fact, turn them off for 24 hours. They are far too demanding.
I really look forward to seeing you on the 23rd of July at the Welshpool Rugby Pitch, 1.00 pm. Gates will open, the show starts at 2pm.
Let's celebrate life with our families in the most beautiful area and have fun because we deserve it. There will be a bouncy castle, also an assault course, a gin bar and a burger and chips vendor, some stalls of local charities and craft stalls, there will be a games area and there are toilets, just so you know. It is a cash event so bring plenty of cash.
Tickets can be bought on line check out this link,
You can purchase tickets on the day with cash. They are more expensive, so please do try and purchase online. Many thanks for that.
We are really grateful to The Welshpool Rugby Club for letting us use their pitch, so please note we will be giving bin bags out to put your rubbish in so that you can throw it in the skip or take it home with you at the end of the day.
Sending you blessings and have the most amazing week.